Why Brain Training with NeurOptimal?
NeurOptimal® is an advanced neurotechnology designed to train the brain to function at peak performance levels. This innovative form of neurofeedback is not a medical treatment, but rather training for the brain.
It doesn’t matter what your starting point is — EVERY brain can benefit and tap into its own unique optimal state. What’s more, no special qualifications are needed to use the NeurOptimal® program. It’s incredibly simple to learn and operate; training is absolutely effortless and is also 100% non-invasive, which means you can get started right away.
How Much is Neurofeedback?
Many patients wonder how much they can expect to pay for biofeedback treatment. The average price of neurofeedback therapy is between $3000 and $3500 for 30 sessions. Rates can vary, depending on the type of training of the provider and the number of sessions needed. Some insurance plans will also cover neurofeedback as an approved treatment but it is important to check with your provider to better understand your cost requirements before proceeding.
Book Today
Call for a free consult 1-801-900-6784 and book your first session. Most people report feeling immediate improvements during the first 1-5 sessions but need around 20-40 sessions to sustain long-term results. Discounts available for multi-package purchases.

Who Should Use Neurofeedback?
Neurofeedback has shown to be effective in the treatment of many disorders of the mind. While it does not target specific disorders, neurofeedback does target specific brain activity, which can reduce, or treat, the symptoms of disorders like depression attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) attention deficit disorder (ADD), addictive tendencies, and anxiety.
This form of brain training has also been used in the treatment of clients with traumatic brain injuries (TBI). A traumatic brain injury can increase or decrease certain brain activity and Neurofeedback can help by reshaping the networks within the brain.
The specific part of the brain that is targeted will often depend on the symptoms.
- Delta: Reshaping brainwave activity in the Delta waves improves symptoms related to insomnia and injury.
- Theta: Reshaping brain wave patterns in the Theta waves improves symptoms related to impulsive behaviors, frequent distractions, difficulty focusing, and ADHD symptoms.
- Alpha: Brain mapping in the Alpha waves improves symptoms of depression, self-esteem disorders, anger difficulties, and frustrating behaviors.
- Beta: Training activity in the Beta waves improves symptoms of common mental disorders like anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), restlessness, and anxiety.
Neurofeedback can also be used to improve symptoms of disorders like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), phobias, chronic headaches, and even Cerebral Palsy. It can also target the frontal lobe, which is responsible for frontal brain functioning like defiance disorders and antisocial behaviors, and the prefrontal cortex, which helps in the treatment of ADHD.

Can Neurofeedback Damage Your Brain?
Neurofeedback is non-invasive and does not use any medications or chemical-altering substances. The sensors used are attached to the head but do not produce any type of current, meaning the entire process is pain-free. The process itself is also easy. Clients can choose to leave their eyes open or closed during treatment.
Potential Side Effects Neurofeedback
It is important to be aware of any potential side effects before beginning any type of medical or applied neurophysiology treatment. Fortunately, the benefits of neurofeedback often outweigh the side effects.
Some individuals have reported vivid dreams as the brain learns to readjust. Additionally, some believe that individuals with a TBI are more sensitive to neurofeedback. TBI patients could feel nausea or dizziness as the brain adjusts. Fortunately, most of the noted side effects will go away after a few sessions.
You can reduce the chance of unwanted side effects by choosing a neurofeedback provider with the appropriate neurofeedback training. Additionally, it is important to work closely with your provider to ensure that you understand the process and know what to expect.
Call Today to Learn More
Each neurofeedback session is $70, and most people need 20 – 40 sessions to realize sustained changes. Discounts are available when multiple sessions are purchased in advance. Please call the office for details. As we have seen substantial improvements in clients who combine neurofeedback with individual therapy, we also offer discounts on neurofeedback sessions when they are combined with traditional therapy.
In addition to in-office neurofeedback, I Am Recovery offers home-based neurofeedback training. Home-based training is an affordable alternative to in-office training, and we offer substantial discounts for multiple users of a single device. In-home neurofeedback may be sufficient to meet your needs, but be aware that some conditions have better outcomes with in-office training.
Call 1-801-900-6784 to learn more.

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