Addiction recovery programs typically fall under two categories; Inpatient or Outpatient.
Inpatient programs are live-in, with the general expectation to stay for 30-90 days. These programs are highly supervised with an emphasis on a complete rebuilding of the addict. No communication is allowed with anyone other than those that are pre-approved by a clinical team. Generally, some privileges to communicate with sober friends and family are awarded. The right to leave on short-term passes may be earned with good behavior over time. Qualification for inpatient programs are generally based around the recovering addict’s ability to function in society. The more completely a recovering addict is unable to hold a job, go to school, or maintain relationships; the more likely they will qualify for inpatient programs with insurance and private providers.
Inpatient Pros:
- 24 hour supervision
- Full clinical team
- Relate with others in a family atmosphere
- Intense focus on change for 30-90 days
Inpatient Cons:
- Expensive (generally between 10-25k a month)
- Inability to keep working or going to school
- Difficult to transition into real world after graduation
- Relapse potential is high without a strong step-down and recovery plan
Outpatient programs are based around the recovering addict’s ability to function; much like inpatient, but with expectation that the recovering addict may be able to hold a job, go to school, and maintain relationships with some degree of self-control. The level of intensity in the outpatient program will be greatly influenced by group therapy, one-on-one therapy/counseling and the frequent drug testing of each recovering addict periodically through treatment. Outpatient programs are generally used as a step-down from inpatient care or for those that do not have the time or need for inpatient care. Outpatient care my last between 30 days and 1 year.
Outpatient Pros:
- More affordable (Generally cost between 3-7k a month)
- More realistic to actual life routines
- Opportunities to face real world triggers w/ support
- More flexibility and privileges
- Access to therapists/counselors and groups with like-minded recovering addicts
Outpatient Cons:
- Too much flexibility for some early recovering addicts
- Relapse potential is higher as triggers are more abundant
- Transportation may be needed to and from groups
What program is best?
Both programs have pros and cons, with the main factor being based around the level of functionality of the recovering addict. This is not an easy thing to determine without having someĀ inside expertise. If you or a loved one are unsure of which way to go; please call us at 801-407-9998 for a free consult today. We are committed to long-term sobriety with an expert team that will help you make the best possible choice.